Rembrandt’s earliest known paintings, The Four Senses (a set of four small panels representing Sight, Hearing, Smell and Touch) can be seen in the Rembrandt House Museum. Rembrandt very likely painted the panels as part of a complete set of the five senses, but so far there has been no trace of Taste.
It is the first time the panels have been brought together in the Netherlands and – fittingly – in Rembrandt’s former home. The diaspora of the works and these moving circumstances inspired us to create a delicate case that protectively holds the four small paintings and deliberately shows the empty imprint where the fifth painting belongs, waiting to to be fulfilled. Symbolising the ghost of a missing jewel in its jewellery box. The design, scale and materialisation of the modest display blends in with the intimate atmosphere of Rembrandt’s House.
Photography by Mike Bink
Delivery 2016